shot breakdown of The Art of violin bow making
title: “The Art of violin bow making”
date: November
23, 2012
run time (of story, not anchor lead-in and out): 2:28
1. CU of hands tying apron
1. CU of hands tying apron
2. Extreme CU of hands rolling up sleeves
3. Low/angled shot of bow maker, kind of tracking
4. CU of him sanding down wood
5. Tight shot of face
6. A different tight shot of face; rule of thirds/eyes on third apply
here, interview
7. Medium shot of him making a violin, voice-over by violin maker
8. CU of his hands tapping a pole
9. Over the shoulder medium shot of him making the violin
10. Low/tight shot of him sanding off the wood; creates depth
11. CU of piece of wood
12. CU of his tools in his hands
13. Different CU of his work/the bow of the violin
14. CU of hands touching the bow hair; leads (kind of tracking) into him
backing up with the bow
15. Transition to tight shot of the light fixture
16. Tracking shot down to his tool bench; angled shot from above
17. Tight shot of a tool he uses
18. Tight shot of more tools
19. CU of bows lined up
20. Tight shot of wood scraps
21. Tight shot of pieces of wood
22. CU of those same pieces of wood; blurs out
23. CU of violin piece of wood
24. Tight shot of face; interview
25. CU of violin bow
26. Tight shot of violin bow with hands; goes down the bow and creates
27. CU of bow and hands; straight on
28. Tight shot of face; interview
29. CU of hands working with a tool
30. Tight shot of bow; depth shot – kind of tracking; goes into him
putting the bow over the fire
31. Tight shot of violin maker; interview
32. CU of him carving wood
33. Medium shot of him working on the bow at his workbench
34. CU of face; off center
35. Tight shot of him twirling the bow
36. Fades into shot of the finished bow
I thought that the camera shots were very
relevant to the story because he was making a violin and they showed lots of
close ups and tight shots to show you what he was doing. I noticed that they
did a good job with filming intricate details on the violin to really show how
it was made and the patience that it takes. There were lots of good WALLDO shots,
for example, there was an angled shot of the violin maker when he was working
on the violin bow. There was also a really good over the shoulder medium shot of
him in the process of making the violin. Overall, I thought that it was a good
story from the standpoint that there were good, interesting shots and a variety
of shots.
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